Why Travel to 49 States & 58 National Parks?

For most people, a road trip to 49 states and visiting 58 National Parks is a goal, but in this case it’s an objective on the way to my goal of visiting all 50 states and all 62 National parks.

Why? Well, Why not. I have wanted to go on this adventure for a long time and the time is now. I often say that perfect timing is a procrastinator myth. I should know- I think my other PhD just might be in procrastination. I’m that person who gets things done, but I also have a knack for procrastinating, which explains why I still have not taken this trip until now.

One thing most people who know me will tell you about me is that I get things done. Don’t ask the people who’ve had to work with me- Most (AKA- all) of them will probably say something silly like I’m bossy. Just don’t understand that I prefer to have things done my way.

I guess we could say I’m a bit particular, which is one of the reasons that this journey may seem a bit out of character for me, but it is exactly me. A lot of people don’t know realize this about me I love nature. I get such life from being out there. There is something so magical about being at the beach and watching the sunrise. You feel miniscule and so strong and powerful at the same time. I appreciate the moments where the earth just whether through a tree, a flower or the sunsets and sunrises where you know it’s just showing off and showing out.

This journey will give me an opportunity to experience this on a larger scale. I am looking forward seeing the sunrise and set in more than 100 different locations. I am looking forward to seeing the majesty of the wildlife we share this planet with. I am looking forward to people I will encounter. Most of all I am looking forward to seeing how this journey changes me